
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
New Year Credit Talk - Designing a credit repair plan for 2019 and Beyond
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
So Next week turned into next Month, as we have been swamped !!!!
But here you go, a delicious new installment of your favorite podcast!!
Submit your questions to have them answered on the show: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShowFacebook:
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
We are BACK! The first episode of a long series as we document a credit repair journey with our lucky winner. Meet Joy, hear her story and follow along as we bring monthly updates to her credit repair journey.
Next week we will be back with a regular installment of the Extra Credit Show!!
Submit your questions to have them answered on the show: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShowFacebook:
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com

Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
We have interviewed everyone who has shared their story with us regarding the free credit repair program we want to give away. The chosen extra credit listener is announced!
Also - A consumer has filed a lawsuit against Equifax and Navient Solutions alleging a disregard for accurate reporting his loan performance. The consumer says they have tried repeatedly to dispute and validate the incorrect credit reporting information but has had no luck.
According to the complaint the consumer had 13 separate loans with Navient and they were paid off in full in July 2016.
After the loans were paid off, both Experian and TransUnion both correctly reflected the loan status. The suit says, “Equifax failed to update Plaintiff’s accounts to reflect the payoff and closure of the accounts and instead continued to list each of the accounts as open and with a monthly payment amount and/or a balance.”
We breakdown the merit of the lawsuit and discuss how this consumer was injured...or not injured based on the allegations!
Check it out!!
Submit your questions to have them answered on the show: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShowFacebook:
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com

Friday Nov 30, 2018
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Buying a home is the main motive behind consumers wanting to improve their credit score. As an Extra Credit Show listener it's highly likely the motive behind you wanting to master your credit score is tied to an end goal of homeownership.
In this episode we cover a few first time homebuyer programs available to consumers, and Nik shares his experiences in the real estate buying process. We also discuss how credit impacts your ability to rent a home, which is a fantastic look into the decision making process of tenant screening. We even learn several new things ourselves!
Nik Boone owns Ascend Real Estate, a local property management and real estate sales company. Due to his company handling both rentals and sales, he brings an insightful perspective in both buying and renting real estate.
Submit your questions to have them answered on the show: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShowFacebook:
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com

Friday Nov 09, 2018
Car Shopping : The Dealer Ran my credit 20+ times!
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Has the FCRA been violated if the dealership shotguns your credit if you've given them permission to run it at least once? I've had this discussion 100x over the years with angry consumers. You go to the dealership to buy a car, and when you get to the financing part they run your credit with several lenders and thus you end up with several, sometimes a dozen or more inquiries on your credit report.
Consumers freak out, and maybe justifiably so. In this episode we discuss a very recent case of a consumer who sued a car dealership for doing just this, and we discuss the courts ruling which is quite interesting. Check it out!
Submit your questions to have them answered on the show: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShowFacebook:
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.

Friday Oct 26, 2018
FICO announces new "UltraFICO" score model - We talk about it!
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Apparently this is a big deal, as the new UltraFICO score model will review your bank account to enhance the score. This seems interesting, take a listen and learn the details of this new potential system and what we think about it's impact in the current consumer finance space.
Submit your questions to have them answered on the show: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShowFacebook:
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com

Friday Oct 12, 2018
What To Do If You Are Sued For Credit Card Debt
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
In this episode we discuss what to do if you have been served with a lawsuit for credit card debt! It sucks, but it happens. Recently it's been happening ALOT.
There are certain debt collectors and types of debt that are more commonly filing suits against consumers than others.
If you know anybody who has past due credit card debts this episode is a MUST listen. It's always best to address the issue before suite gets filed, because after that things get exponentially worst!
This is always a touchy subject because we don't want to accidently give legal advice, but we deal with this very often and feel comfortable discussing it.
Submit your questions to have them answered on the show: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShowFacebook: www.facebook.com/TheExtraCreditShow
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com

Friday Oct 05, 2018
Life after Credit Repair: How to care for your credit longterm
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Credit Repair should not last forever. Actually it should really only be 3-6 months, and in some rare cases it can go longer than 6 months. The habits and actions you take after the credit repair process is over are extremely important to make sure you don't "come back" or become a "repeat client" of a credit repair company.
In this episode we break down and discuss common issues that we have seen our clients commit after they finished our program. The focus of the episode is to discuss how to continue to maintain your credit after you've completed a credit repair program.
Myths we breakdown:
How to manage your credit cards every month. Do you pay them off every month? Do you have to carry balances every month to show activity? Do you keep them at 30%? (No, no, and NO)
Do you need to keep all your accounts opened?
What is the IDEAL amount of credit cards to have open?
Submit your questions to have them answered on the show: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShowFacebook: www.facebook.com/TheExtraCreditShow
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com

Friday Sep 21, 2018
Should you pay for Credit Repair?
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
We try not to be biased on this one....
Let us know what you think?
*****Special ALERT****
We are giving away a FREE, FREEEE CREDIT REPAIR program to one of our listeners. The catch? Allow us to document the journey to share with our listeners. Of course keeping certain personal information private, we just want to share a bit of the credit repair process with everybody. We think it woud be awesome to have a listener on the show sharing their credit repair journey.
Send us an email at TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
so we can set up a credit review and determine if your case is a good fit for our credit repair process.
SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS TO US: theExtracreditshow@gmail.com
Share this episode with everyone you know that will benefit from it.
The Extra Credit Show is a show hosted by Ex-Debt Collection Agency Executive and Consumer Credit Expert Anselmo Moreno and his business partner Richard David. They have been in the consumer credit consulting and credit repair business since 2005. They often found themselves talking to each other about the current state of consumer credit, debt, credit bureaus etc. - take a listen to the minds of two passionate long time credit repair experts.
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShow
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheExtraCreditShow
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com

Friday Sep 14, 2018
Fair Credit Reporting Act - Breaking Down Your Rights
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
There has been new changes to the FCRA consumer rights disclosures.
In this episode we break it down bit by bit, just for YOU!
*****Special ALERT****
We are giving away a FREE, FREEEE CREDIT REPAIR program to one of our listeners. The catch? Allow us to document the journey to share with our listeners. Of course keeping certain personal information private, we just want to share a bit of the credit repair process with everybody. We think it woud be awesome to have a listener on the show sharing their credit repair journey.
Send us an email at TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com
so we can set up a credit review and determine if your case is a good fit for our credit repair process.
SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS TO US: theExtracreditshow@gmail.com
Share this episode with everyone you know that will benefit from it.
The Extra Credit Show is a show hosted by Ex-Debt Collection Agency Executive and Consumer Credit Expert Anselmo Moreno and his business partner Richard David. They have been in the consumer credit consulting and credit repair business since 2005. They often found themselves talking to each other about the current state of consumer credit, debt, credit bureaus etc. - take a listen to the minds of two passionate long time credit repair experts.
Available on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and everywhere Podcasts are found.
Instagram: @TheExtraCreditShow
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheExtraCreditShow
Web: www.TheExtraCreditShow.com
Watch the show on YouTube : https://youtu.be/RVq0jCjwpxY
Contact: TheExtraCreditShow@gmail.com